HOURS: Appointments at Community Cultures Yeast Lab

Monday – Friday: 10AM – 5PM, by appointment.

Saturday & Sunday Closed.

FACEBOOK @communitycultures

INSTAGRAM @communityculturesyeastlab

Home Brew Community- Soco Austin

Home brew sizes now available at SoCo Homebrew in Austin! Swing by and chat with their amazing staff for all your yeast, and home brew needs.

Home Brew Community-DFW

For our home brewers in the Fort Worth and Dallas areas, visit our friend Chris at BrewHound supply store. They offer a great variety of Community Cultures native strains, as well as specialty grains and hops, equipment, and excellent brewing advice!


The Pilot Beer-Italy

A nonprofit blog and collaboration hub in Milan, Italy! The Pilot Beer is a craft brewery AND online home brew supply shop. Take a look at www.thepilotbeer.com!

Pro Brew Community

Clients are welcomed to pick up product at CCYL, by appointment only, M-F 10AM- 5PM.

Public retail hours coming soon!

Soco Homebrew

8201 S. Congress Ave

Austin, TX 78745


BrewHound-Brewing Supply Store

8808 Camp Bowie W Blvd #160 Fort Worth TX 76116


The Pilot Beer

6 Assago (MI) Italy 20090


community CultureS Yeast Lab

1202 West Elsmere Place

San Antonio TX, 78201